பள்ளிக் கல்வி – ஊதிய நீட்டிப்பு ஆணை – சுமார் 18,500 தற்காலிக பணியிடங்களுக்கு ஜனவரி-2021 முதல், மூன்று மாதங்களுக்கான ஊதிய நீட்டிப்பு ஆணை வழங்கி பள்ளிக் கல்வி இயக்குநர் உத்தரவு.

The under mentioned Officers are hereby informed that the orders of Government Sanctioning , further Continuance of certain Corporation High School Headmaster Temporary Post beyond 31.12.2020 as particularized in the enclosed certificates are awaited. The Certificate as prescribed with reference to paragraph 3 of G.O.Ms.No.104 , Finance ( D ) Department , dated : 20.01.1974 for the drawls of Pay and Allowances of the incumbents in their Temporary Posts is in order to draw and disburse the pay and allowances of the incumbents for a period of three months from 01.01.2021. Orders of Government Sanctioning further Continuance to temporary posts from 01.01.2021 will be communicated on its receipt.
Pay Order dir Proceedings - Download here

The under mentioned Officers are hereby informed that the orders of Government Sanctioning , further Continuance of certain Corporation High School Headmaster Temporary Post beyond 31.12.2020 as particularized in the enclosed certificates are awaited. The Certificate as prescribed with reference to paragraph 3 of G.O.Ms.No.104 , Finance ( D ) Department , dated : 20.01.1974 for the drawls of Pay and Allowances of the incumbents in their Temporary Posts is in order to draw and disburse the pay and allowances of the incumbents for a period of three months from 01.01.2021. Orders of Government Sanctioning further Continuance to temporary posts from 01.01.2021 will be communicated on its receipt.
Pay Order dir Proceedings - Download here